# humanstxt.org/ # The humans responsible & technology colophon # THE PERSON Marie Guillaumet — Web designer, front-end web developer and crazy cat lady Email: marie@marieguillaumet.com Twitter: @kReEsTaL # THE WEBSITE MarieGuillaumet.com (also known as #PortfolioOfDoom) Project code: Fury Theme name: Paperbag Online since June 22, 2013 # THANKS Julien Gaullier, Marine Doat, Corinne Massacry, Vincent Valentin, Mehdi Kabab, Nicolas Hoizey, Samy Rabih, Christophe Andrieu, Geoffrey Crofte, as well as all my beta testers — thank you, you did a terrific job! # TECHNOLOGY COLOPHON HTML, CSS, SVG, Sass + Compass Normalize.css, jQuery, Modernizr, WordPress # INSPIRATION Fiona Apple's music, the sea side, Brittany, prog rock, sleepless nights and some serious quantity of tea. # QUOTE "It's all in your head," he said and I said, "so's everything." – Fiona Apple, "Paperbag"